Monday, February 20, 2012

2012 Is off and Running!

2012 is here, so get out and start climbing! I have only a gotten a few time reports so far, but keep them coming and I will keep reporting them.

1: Greg Staley : 4:54
2: Brian Davis : 6:14
3: Timothy Shotts : 6:24
4: Ben Wodika : 6:47

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2011 IS HERE!

It seems that some have lost interest in this, but I will keep posting times as long as people keep emailing them to me. Go out and try to better your time from your last one, or beat the leader.

1. Chad Briggs - 5:40 - May 24, 2011
2. Tim Shotts - 6:32 - April 18, 2011
3. Trish Work - 6:39 - June 21, 2011
4. Pat Work - 9:00 - June 21, 2011

Get out there and try to knock one of these out of their spot!

Friday, March 19, 2010


So far this year, only one time has been submitted.... So get out there and get to work!
If you would like to add your age to your time when you submit it, I will post that also.

1: Dan Miller - 11:37 - March 17, 2010 - Age 55

Sunday, October 25, 2009


1: Chad Briggs - 6:09 - October 23, 2009
2: Geordie Dye - 6:20 - November 18, 2009
3: Trish Work - 7:13 - November 3, 2009
4: Rob Yoggerst - 7:16 - November 5, 2009
5: Pat Work - 7:42 - November 19, 2009
6: Shawn Moore - 8:02 - November 19, 2009
7: Dan Miller - 11:37 - March 17, 2010

Friday, October 23, 2009

Smiley Face Time Trial

Anyone who rides their bike around the Carbondale area, has heard of or rode the Smiley face hill in Makanda. For some friendly compeition, I started this blog to log everyone's fastest times up the hill. I will post all results that are emailed to me. This is all on the honor system, but if someone sends in a crazy fast time, they may be asked to go prove that they can climb the hill in the time they sent in. (I will have to find someone fast to keep up with you, but that shouldn't be a problem -- I know some fast people) They won't have to ride it in the exact time, but will have to get close enough that the posted time is believable.

The rules:
1. Start the clock when you pass (rolling starts are ok) the GREEN (US 51 2 miles) road sign at the bottom.
2. Stop the clock when you reach the GREEN (Anna/Carbondale) road sign at the top.
3. Submit your results by clicking the link to the right.

Be sure to include your name, time and date of your ride. I'll maintain a running list of everybody who completes the official route and sends me their time. Each year I'll start a new list and archive the old. As you get faster over the course of the season be sure to send me updated times and I'll adjust your placing based on the new information. Remember to always include your name, time and the date of your ride.